While there are many outbound marketing practices that are still effective, today’s insurance lead generation processes rely on inbound marketing techniques to yield the most success. This consists of using search engine optimization (SEO) best practices, getting creative with your marketing strategy, and networking within your community and industry.
If that seems overwhelming, don’t worry; we're here to help. Use these top insurance lead generation tips and set your business up for success!
What Is Insurance Lead Generation?
The process of drawing potential people to your business and helping them, all with the ultimate objective of turning them into clients, is known as lead generation. There are several ways to pique the interest of potential leads, which we’ll cover below.
First, it’s important to distinguish between “free” leads and high-quality, paid leads. There are many vendors claiming to provide “free” leads; however, this claim is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. In other words, an advertised "free lead" is never truly free. Additionally, "free” leads are usually not worth your time, as they are low quality and produce lackluster results. You get what you pay for, and in this case, you will get a free ticket back to square one to try to boost your leads.
While we don’t mean to burst your bubble about free leads, we don’t intend to leave you without a solution! Instead of rolling the dice on free leads, we suggest a more proven tactic: producing high-quality leads by utilizing best practices and modern technology that are specifically created to help you sell insurance. Let’s dive right into this method!
How To Generate More Insurance Sales Leads
Create a Marketing Strategy
Get Creative With Social Media
Whether or not you currently use social media to market your business and sell more policies, you're probably aware that many brokers already use sites like Facebook and LinkedIn to build relationships with prospective and current clients.
Ensure you are active on the social media channel where your leads tend to be the most. Start by looking at engagement and followers. Then, you can pair this knowledge with social media analytics tools. Some social media platforms have insights tools ingrained, such as Facebook.
Have a Clear Value Proposition
In marketing, a value proposition is a clear summary of the advantages clients receive when they purchase a company's goods or services. A value proposition is crucial since it aids in setting your product or service apart from the competition and explains to potential clients why they should select your offering.
Stimulate ‘Stale’ Leads With Email Marketing
Email marketing is alive and still one of the most important tactics for creating a lead-gen marketing strategy. In fact, 77% of businesses report seeing growth through email marketing.
When crafting emails designed to generate leads, ensure you craft a catchy and concise subject line, provide value quickly in the body of the email, and provide concrete steps for your leads to take, such as a call to action (CTA) or contact information.
Provide Proof as an Authority/Trusted Advisor
One very effective way to do this is to provide testimonials and share reviews of past or current clients. Believe it or not, 49% of clients actually put more trust in online reviews than they would from recommendations from family and friends. You can do this through your email marketing by asking clients for a quick recap of their experience with you.
Use SEO Best Practices
Be Sure To Have a User-friendly Website, Landing Pages, and Forms
Evaluate Your Forms
Landing pages and forms on your website are arguably the most underrated aspects of creating an insurance lead-generation marketing strategy. These aren’t just for requesting information or converting leads but are effective in gaining data and learning more about the preferences of your clients.
When creating your landing page forms, consider the following:
- Are they too long?
- Are they fair exchanges for the content or offering you have listed?
- Are they relevant to your leads?
- When is the last time you’ve updated your form?
- Is the content or offering still relevant?
Have a Good Mobile Experience
It was reported earlier this year that 54% of shoppers aged 18-29 bought insurance online. Given the fact Gen Z spends the most amount of screen time per day (clocking in at 9 hours) and millennials spend the most amount of screen time on smartphones (3.7 hours), making your website mobile-friendly is crucial to reaching multiple generations and maximizing the lead gen opportunities for your business.
You can make your website mobile-friendly by:
- Make your website responsive
- Compress images
- Fix slow loading speeds
- Avoid using pop-ups
- Test your website regularly from a mobile device
Provide Quality Content Online
Your insurance website is among the best ways to attract new leads. One of the simplest ways to leverage your website is to create content that appeals to both prospects and existing clients shopping for health insurance.
Consider adding highly valuable content about insurance shopping to a blog, pillar page, or guide and gate it so that visitors can fill out a form to read or download it. Ideally, you should concentrate on subjects that users from your key demographic groups could find interesting.
With all of the tools and software on the market for insurance brokers and agents, which one should you choose?
Network in Your Community
In today’s marketplace, you’ll find many shoppers online. Consider joining online communities or hosting events and reaching out to others on social media to begin networking.
Never Underestimate the Power of a Referral
Even though there are a lot of leads online, word-of-mouth advertising is still effective. Plus, receiving referrals from those you know can get your foot in the door with leads. Think about it; if they are coming to you from someone they trust, they will be more likely to trust you rather than a complete stranger.
Pay-Per-Click Advertising
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising allows you to acquire deep insights into your online traffic, track and measure ads, and, ultimately, get out in front of the competition. For example, social media PPC advertisements give you the ability to tailor and target your ads based on factors such as demographic, behavior, interests, and more. This ensures the right audiences see your advertisements at the right time.
Using social media PPC is also a cheaper alternative to Google Ads and has a wider reach since you can extend your ads across multiple social media platforms. With Google Ads, you’re restricted to Google-owned platforms. Both Google Ads and social media PPC advertisements are options you need to consider for boosting your reach and lead generation.
Buy Leads From a Trusted Provider
Buying lead lists can give you immediate access to clients who have already shown a desire to buy health insurance. It's much preferable to get lead lists from a company you already do business with as you've probably built up a reliable rapport, but if you haven’t worked with a provider or don’t have one that has your best interest in mind, we suggest researching different lead management providers before paying for leads.
It’s as simple as:
- Select the leads you want to purchase
- Enter them into the customer relationship management (CRM)
- Sell directly to those leads
Exclusive leads are not only vetted for Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) compliance but also validated for duplication and consumer velocity, then delivered to your CRM.
Insurance Lead Marketing Isn’t One-Size-Fits-All
It’s important to understand that not all insurance lead-generation strategies work for everyone. It’s crucial to mix and match and test these strategies over time to see which ones work the best for you.
Boost Your Leads With the Essential Guide to Using Insurance Software
While all of these tips can seem complicated, and we wouldn’t blame you for feeling that way, software designed specifically for selling insurance can alleviate many challenges brokers face. You might be asking yourself, “Wait, I have all of these tips and Quotit wants me to now dive into using insurance software?” Seems like a lot to juggle, right? Well, as we mentioned earlier in the blog, we never intend to leave you without a solution to a challenge! It’s just not who we are.
That’s why we created a free guide to using insurance software; one that will have you streamlining your quotting, enrollment, and sales operations in no time! Get your free copy of The Essential Guide to Insurance Broker Software today.