Insurance Sales and Marketing Tips | The Hub

6 Ways Health Insurance Agents Can Generate More Insurance Leads

Written by The Quotit Team | March 7, 2022

New prospects are the lifeblood of your sales funnel — if you want to grow your book of business, try these tips to connect to more potential customers.

Any business needs new clients to grow, and apart from finding leads, insurance agents and brokers also need to know how to nurture them. Here are six effective strategies to help your insurance business generate more leads to fill your pipeline and grow your book of business. 

Build a Winning Website 

Thanks to digital marketing avenues that have opened up in the past few years, insurance marketing for agents is, in many ways, easier than ever. 

Creating a strong online presence will give you an edge over your competition, and one of the best marketing tools for insurance agents is a rock-solid website. Over 97% of consumers search for local businesses online — many on a monthly, weekly, and even daily basis. 

Having a mobile-friendly website that’s a breeze for users to navigate not only gives potential customers a chance to find you but also to be delighted with your insurance business before the first in-person connection even takes place. 

Lean Into Insurance Email Marketing 

There’s no doubt about it — emails are the new phone call. To be effective, however, your insurance email marketing strategy requires a personal touch. 

The right CRM — one that is designed specifically for insurance businesses — can help make easy work of creating powerful touchpoints with prospects. A great insurance CRM allows you to automate email marketing by identifying and segmenting buyer personas in your mailing list, then nurturing those relationships with personalized content and campaigns. 

Another marketing benefit of this method is that it’s free, and the data you can collect with each insurance email send can prove invaluable on how well your efforts are hitting the intended target. Include all the leads you meet on your mailing list and send a monthly newsletter to keep them updated on the latest healthcare trends and changes that may affect their coverage.

Create Enticing Insurance Content 

Building an insurance website is not complete without content, or as one very clever marketer once put it, “Why build a mansion only to fill it with cheap furniture?”

To begin with, you need attention-grabbing landing pages. Each should contain a clear-cut call to action to help capture leads. Use SEO-friendly headlines and include contact information to help insurance clients engage with you easily and quickly. 

Additionally, on your site, you should include a blog section. Use the blog to share free insurance resources and to increase organic search rankings for your site. As part of an effective marketing strategy for an insurance agency, a blog also offers educational content allowing clients and prospects to better understand the products and services you sell, these strategies build trust with your audience, improving conversion.

Apart from using your insurance website, you should also post regularly about your business on social media — it’s a must-have these days for insurance prospecting. When you use social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others, you not only help expand your online footprint, but you also cast your bread upon the waters with potential new customers.

Since each platform has pros and cons, take your time to study them and choose the platforms that are most suitable for your target market, and which you have the resources to regularly update. Social media pages that are seldom updated with new content can look abandoned and give a poor impression of the success and voracity of your insurance business.

Buy Insurance Leads When Necessary

If you are aiming to scale your insurance business, you may be unable to generate enough insurance leads in a short time by purchasing leads to help fill your funnel and increase conversions. It is a popular solution that many insurance agents use to give them an edge. Moreover, the strategy is reliable when supplementing an existing client base — so long as the leads have been properly qualified. 

When you decide on this approach, look for a reliable partner, like Quotit. Utilize lead scoring methodology to rank their quality. This method ranks the perceived value each insurance lead brings to your company, and the resulting score helps you know which leads are hot and which ones are not. 

Increase Insurance Customer Referrals

Customer referrals are important to any business — people trust recommendations received from family and friends. Don’t be shy about directly requesting referrals from your clients; creating a referral program that offers incentives and rewards to your new clients can help increase your chances for success. 

Joining clubs and participating in community events gives you a new opportunity to meet people and increase your insurance business’ visibility to potential new customers.

Don’t Forget the Tried-and-True

Apart from relying on insurance digital marketing, traditional methods can also help in insurance lead generation. Use flyers, direct mail, and advertising on billboards or traditional media to expand your brand and reach new audiences within your target market. 

And do remember that investing your time, effort, and possibly money now may take some time to pay off. The most successful insurance agents are generally willing to explore more than one way of generating qualified insurance leads. Combining different approaches will help you discern over time what really sticks in your market (and what doesn’t), and can help lead to a more successful business with each new effort.