Insurance Sales and Marketing Tips | The Hub

9 Proven Strategies That Maximize Marketing for Insurance Agents

Written by The Quotit Team | April 8, 2024

There are several insurance marketing ideas you can use to promote your business, streamline your marketing efforts, and drive more sales.

It’s important to choose tactics and strategies that best align with your time and resources – as well as your sales competition in your local service area. Below is a list of nine ideas that are industry-tested and proven to improve marketing for insurance agents.


9 Ideas for Boosting Your Insurance Agency Marketing


1. Make Yourself an Expert by Guest Blogging

When you guest blog on authoritative websites, you can leverage credibility from the site and generate publicity for you and your agency. This can drive new traffic to your website and increase your sales leads.

You might also consider outreach to your local media that may be looking for subject matter experts on insurance-related topics. You may be able to contribute a quote or an article on shopping for health insurance or a related topic that showcases your expertise as a trustworthy source of information in insurance. This can not only help establish a wider network for more marketing opportunities but also boost your local SEO to further help you stand out from nearby competitors.


2. Optimize Your Appointment Calendar

If you have appointments all day, you may not have much time to focus on your insurance agency’s marketing strategies. 

Consider clustering appointments to specific times of day, so you have time to focus on agency-building. Additionally, with the right CRM in place, you can intertwine important client meetings with whatever software you use as your calendar, such as Google Calendar.


3. Make Sure Your Website Is Optimized for Mobile Users

In the insurance business, agencies have to understand the evolving market trends and change tactics accordingly. One of the growing trends affecting marketing for insurance agents is the number of mobile insurance shoppers.

To succeed in lead generation, sales, and retention, your health insurance website must exceed your clients’ expectations. That includes hosting a comprehensive and mobile-friendly insurance website.

Consider utilizing the latest SEO tactics to further enhance your marketing efforts toward mobile insurance shoppers, such as:

  • Compress any images or media for a smoother reading experience
  • Prioritize reducing page load speeds to not lose visitors
  • Test your website on mobile to ensure it looks and functions appropriately


4. Set Up an Automated Email Campaign for Lost Prospects

Retargeting leads that went cold and didn't convert via email campaigns is a great place to start when improving marketing strategies for insurance agents. In fact, there’s not a greater time to start doing this than now; 77% of marketers experienced improved email engagement within the past year.

While it takes quite a bit of time to reach out to these prospects, email marketing can automate this process. The right CRM can automate your email marketing as well as follow-up emails to ensure you reap the benefits of warming up lost prospects without losing valuable time.


5. Develop Partnerships With Other Brokers To Access Their Unwanted Leads

If you belong to a local or regional health underwriter association, you may want to set up a relationship to share leads with others who are focused on other market segments. For example, if you sell mostly Medicare coverage, perhaps you can partner with an agency or broker focused on Individual & Family Plans or property and casualty coverage to trade or sell leads.

You’ll build trust with quality leads (and, conversely, undermine that trust if your leads are old or incomplete).


6. Get Savvy With Social Media

Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are full of prospects and are perfect platforms for enhancing marketing strategies for insurance agents. Work to develop the right balance of relationship building and promotional content – don’t be too pushy or you’ll risk losing followers.

Ensure you keep up with the latest social media strategies, trends, and best practices for turning your social media presence into one of your top tools for driving traffic to your website.


7. Differentiate Yourself With a Strong USP

With other businesses competing against you with similar products, a strong Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is critical to maximizing the efforts of your insurance agency marketing.

Take time to differentiate your business from the competition by crafting a USP that:

  • Highlights the benefits of your service to your clients
  • Establishes your business as the only service clients need
  • Emphasize the difference between your business and competitors


8. Create a Solid Referral Strategy

There's a reason insurance agents rave about referral marketing – it works.

By spending a little time building a referral system in your nurturing process, you can easily:

  • Generate extra leads at no additional cost
  • Boost your brand awareness to reach a greater number of leads
  • Improve the relationships between you and your clients
  • Increase repeat purchases from existing clients
  • Reinforce your position as a trusted insurance advisor for years to come


9. Ensure You’re Tracking the Source of All Your Clients

You cannot improve what you do not measure. When you know where your clients are coming from, you can better evaluate the effectiveness of what you’re doing and make better decisions for your insurance marketing.

You can also realign resources so you’re focused on the channels that are working to give you a competitive edge. Web analytics are easy to set up, such as Google Analytics.


Get the Ultimate Health Insurance Agent Playbook for Boosting Sales

There are many insurance marketing ideas you can implement to promote yourself without spending a lot of additional money. The most important step, of course, is to get out there and start taking action. The more consistent you are with your marketing efforts, the more likely you’ll see results.

Quotit is here to help you do just that.

If you want to advance your marketing efforts, get our 2024 playbook designed to help health insurance agents boost sales.

Download Medicare Sales Success in 2024: The Health Insurance Agent's Playbook today.