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Improve Your Insurance Prospecting Letters and Emails

Written by The Quotit Team | January 5, 2021

Reading Time: 8 Minutes

In the insurance world, if you want to captivate prospects and bring in more sales, communication is key. That means creating personalized prospecting letters and emails. 

Unfortunately, few insurance agents have time to sit down and pen a masterpiece for every prospect. That’s why we’ve picked out some shortcuts to help you build deeper relationships and secure more sales. In this article, we lay out our top insurance prospecting tips for generating more sales.

Insurance Prospecting Tips for Boosting Sales

Prospecting letters have long been a valuable tool for bringing in clients. And even if your clients prefer in-person mail, it could be worth it to consider picking up email prospecting in the future. After all, according to Statista, there were 3.9 billion email users in 2019, and that number is expected to climb to 4.48 billion by 2024.

Wondering how to get the most out of your insurance prospecting letters and emails? Here are some insurance prospecting tips that should help you increase your sales.

1. Focus on the Details

If you want potential clients to open your prospecting messages, details matter. When it comes to crafting emails, start by focusing on subject lines. Just as you would decorate the outside of an envelope, your subject line needs to entice the recipient and inspire them to read more. 

Once those potential clients have opened your message, the details should still guide them onward. Be sure to keep your messages brief and make them easy to read. Here are some guidelines to follow when you’re writing your prospecting emails:

  • Use bullets to break down key points.
  • Break up large paragraphs.
  • Clearly lay out how your reader will benefit from your offer.
  • Use visuals to map out your reader’s best options.
  • If more casual messages are appropriate for your audience, consider using emojis in your subject lines or body copy.

2. Take Your Time

Insurance sales require trust. In most cases, your clients are dealing with the unknown and the looming possibility of catastrophe. It’s up to you to show that you care about their well-being. That’s why it’s important to take your time when crafting letters and emails. 

That may seem easier said than done, but busy insurance pros can create more time for themselves by organizing their contact information. With advanced tools, such as an insurance customer relationship management (CRM) system, you can stay organized and keep important personal information on hand.

These notes about contacts should guide your pen, or keyboard, as you build relationships through your prospecting messages. Start by researching your target demographic and then form your marketing campaign around a specific niche in the market. 

As you craft your messages, you should be clear on who your audience is and what its particular needs are. Your final message should be hard-hitting, concise, and centered around how your clients will benefit from your proposal.

3. Put a Face to a Name

As tempting as it might be to blast out generic messages to everyone on your prospecting list, you’ll have better results when you tailor your messages to individuals. That’s why it’s important to put a face to the name. Here’s how:

  • Use technology to segment contacts: Again, technology can simplify this process even if you have a large contact base. Insurance CRM tools let you segment contacts based on personal characteristics. That way, you can personalize messages without spending hours sorting through information. 
  • Give contacts an image to remember: It’s also a good idea to give your potential clients a face or image they can associate with your services. Consider adding your photo or your company logo and letterhead at the top of your prospecting letters. You can also add these visual elements to prospecting emails. Not only does it draw interest, but adding an image also allows prospects to put a face to your name, helping to inspire trust and a more personal connection.

4. Make It Personal 

When it comes to insurance prospecting emails, there are a few easy ways to craft intimate messages without adding too much work to your plate:

  • Unlock email automation: With email automation, you can stay in contact with clients and maintain relationships with leads—with little extra effort on your end. Insurance email marketing programs will automatically drop personal details into emails, and they allow you to set up campaigns based on a lead’s behavior. Better yet, you can keep your relationships fresh without having to put in extra time, so you can spend more time and energy closing sales. 
  • Try personalization tokens: Advanced CRMs and email automation programs will drop personalization tokens into your content. These snippets are based on the information your prospects provide, such as their names, family details, location data, and other personal information. Technology will weave these personal details into your emails automatically, adding a personal touch that keeps prospects engaged. 

5. Spend Time on Subject Lines

When you’re sending emails to prospects, your subject lines are critical. After all, if prospects skip over your email or trash it all together, they won’t even hear your pitch.

When you’re creating a subject line, try to give the recipient a reason to open your email. In most cases, a simple description won’t be enough. Instead, try to grab their attention and inspire a click. Here are some quick tips for writing subject lines:

  • Tailor messages to your audience.
  • Keep subject lines concise and to the point.
  • Use personal details whenever it’s appropriate.
  • Emphasize benefits, free content, and new offers.
  • Avoid all-caps text, spammy language, or misleading phrases that could set off spam filters.

6. Keep Messages Brief and Be Empathetic

With the attention span of most customers dwindling, it’s important to keep your messages brief, hard-hitting, and personal.

Remember, buying health insurance is a personal decision, and your introduction as a trusted advisor should be equally personal. It’s good practice to keep your first paragraph to a few sentences, at the most. 

At the same time, try to give prospects a peek into your integrity, expertise, and desire to help them find insurance solutions that meet their needs. Demonstrate your personal commitment to helping them find the right solutions for their specific circumstances and explain why you want to work with them.

7. Remember the Objective

If you want your prospecting letters and emails to turn into more insurance sales, the buying experience needs to be seamless. Give potential customers plenty of opportunities to act, and always make it easy for them to take action. Here are some ways to generate more sales through your prospecting letters and emails:

  • Make it easy for people to contact you: Scatter your contact information throughout the letter, giving your prospects every opportunity to call, email, or text you for more information. 
  • Prove you’re credible: Whenever you can, show off testimonials, customer quotes, and positive reviews that prove your services are helping other clients. Also, provide your website and social media usernames so prospects can research your business and learn more about you and your products or services.
  • Inspire action: The goal of sending insurance prospecting letters and emails is to get someone to contact you. You aren’t selling a product yet; you are selling yourself as the right person to help the recipient. Be sure to map out clear next steps for your prospect. For emails, that may mean adding a link leading to contact information, helpful resources, or a web form they can fill out to reach you.

8. Let Lead Generation Guide You

When done right, online lead generation can power more sales success, build name recognition, and inspire your prospects to act. The more trust you’re able to build with leads early on, the more receptive they’ll be to your prospecting messages when they arrive. Here are some ways to improve your lead generation efforts and build more trust with customers:

  • Design a professional, consumer-friendly website.
  • Host webinars and informational sessions that will help establish your insurance industry expertise.
  • Take advantage of keywords that can improve your SEO rankings and credibility so that potential customers searching for solutions to their insurance needs will find you.
  • Use insurance software to track leads and set up lead-generation campaigns.
  • Use social media channels such as LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat to build your brand and develop professional relationships.

Develop a referral program that turns happy clients into lead generators.

Turn Your Prospecting Letters and Emails into Sales

With a little care, you can craft prospecting letters and emails that turn into more insurance sales. But you don’t have to let the writing process eat into your day. Insurance software can help you build deeper relationships with prospects and lighten your load in the process. 

Ready to see how Quotit’s insurance software looks in action? Schedule a demo today to learn how Quotit can help you reach your insurance sales goals.