Insurance Sales and Marketing Tips | The Hub

Finding The Ideal Insurance Lead Management System

Written by Alphonso Sanchez | March 3, 2017

The success of your business depends on how well you can stand out in the crowd of insurance sales solutions.

When someone finds your website in their search for insurance information, you don’t want them to be bored, or worse, frustrated. Instead, you want them to feel welcomed to an insurance website that exudes credibility and professionalism, gives them immediate access to accurate plan information, allows them to compare options and enroll online, and connects them to knowledgeable and service-oriented sales agents.

Other brokers and organizations will be offering similar services and products, so what is it about your business that will capture a prospect’s attention and hold it long enough to close a sale, build a relationship, and encourage referrals?

It all starts with a strong insurance lead management system. Whether you choose to embrace an insurance quoting engine, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool, or a comprehensive software program, you will appreciate the added value to your business.

Embracing a New Way of Doing Business

It can be stressful to consider using new processes and technology. It’s easy to get comfortable in the way we’ve done things in the past, but relying on individual quoting, enrollment, and sales tracking tools can get burdensome…and can be detrimental to your overall sales success.

You may be hesitant to commit to a new way of conducting business, but the industry is changing. Sales and marketing efforts must adapt in order to compete in the current market. Adopting an effective insurance management system can help you organize your leads, track your sales, improve communication, and build your brand.

Insurance quoting software can help customers search, compare, and enroll in insurance plans, both on- and off-exchange. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tools can help you manage potential and current business opportunities with new prospects and existing clients. Regardless of the size of your organization, you may want to consider the value of an “all-in-one” insurance management system that can take your business to the next level.

What should you look for in an effective insurance lead management system?

Key features should include:


Any system should allow you to strengthen your brand and customize the system to meet your needs and the needs of your prospective clientele. Choosing the tone and style of your personally branded website and online tools will help create name, brand recognition and excitement for your business.


Give customers the ability to ask you questions and allow them to briefly introduce themselves through a form fill on your site. Prospects are more comfortable than ever with online communication. Gathering basic information – name, phone number, email address – will be helpful in following up. A quick, easy-to-use needs assessment tool can be effective in pinpointing the products and services they are interested in, allowing you to respond quickly with relevant information.

Lead management:

Tracking data from marketing efforts can be vital to the success of your business. An effective lead management system should organize leads (source, status, category, etc.) and allow you to follow up and qualify these leads quickly. How can you know what’s working if you’re not tracking your efforts?


Prospects will appreciate the ability to research and review insurance options with side-by-side comparisons of plans, allowing them to choose what benefits, types of plans and costs meet their specific needs and preferences. Access to multiple of plans at their fingertips can help your clients to make the decision that best meets their needs.  

Real-time quoting:

Let your customers know that you value their time by providing access to a 24/7 insurance quote Not only does the insurance quoting software start the sales process immediately, but it allows you to multitask. While prospects are reviewing quotes, you can focus on customer service and retention.

Online enrollment:

An online enrollment tool with access to multiple carriers and plans allows prospects to enroll in their insurance coverage choice from the comfort of their home or office.

Links to additional resources:

Creating a robust website full of relevant and interesting information can draw more prospects to your site, and can help establish your role as a source of insurance knowledge. Different types of content will generate different kinds of leads. You should also provide links to your monthly or quarterly newsletters, webinars you host, as well as your networking and social media sites.

Growing Your Business

An effective insurance management system can reduce your workload and allow you to focus on other aspects of your business. With a professional, customized site generating leads with its content and capabilities, you can consider additional ways to grow your business.

  • Create a blog on your website with new content added regularly and contribute to other industry-related sites when appropriate.
  • Attend industry events, conferences or conventions to stay current and build relationships within the industry.
  • Actively utilize your networking and social media sites (such as LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook) to expand your visibility and encourage referral business. Posts can drive business back to your website.
  • Don’t forget to add a personal touch. Your CRM may include an automatic response system, but insurance sales and referrals are based on developing trust with your clients. Finding insurance coverage is a very personal choice. It can impact your customer’s healthcare and financial security. Make sure that your relationship with your clients is full of the respect, integrity, and personal attention they deserve.

The ideal lead management system for your business should meet your specific needs as an insurance professional. Your success is dependent on generating leads and turning those prospects into sales, but it can be challenging to juggle all of the other aspects of your business, such as designing and evaluating marketing campaigns, providing prospects with information and quotes, enrolling customers, communication, and customer retention.

A fully customized website can help you accomplish all of those tasks, and help you build your brand as a trusted source in the insurance industry. Your unique insurance solutions, services and products will be introduced to new and existing customers, who will appreciate the efficiency and accuracy of your site.