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Insurance CRM Hacks You Need to Know About

Written by The Quotit Team | January 3, 2022

You’ve invested in a customer relationship management tool, but are you sure you’re getting your money’s worth?

With all the talk of “digital transformation” these days, it can be hard to know for sure whether you’ve got the right insurance agent tools for your business or if you’re just keeping up with the Joneses.

Everywhere you turn, there seems to be a “must-have” solution designed to help you increase the efficiency of your business–ranging from websites and payment gateways to project management apps and social media schedulers.

The thing with technology though, is it’s only as good as the user, and what you put into it is exactly what you get out of it. The developers who make these tools call it “garbage in, garbage out,” and the more complicated the platform, the easier it is to skip important steps or ignore important features.

Customer Relationship Management Systems

CRM systems are one of the most commonly used types of software for any business—and one of the oldest. The first rudimentary CRMs began rolling out three decades or so ago, and ever since, these customer management platforms have become more and more of an essential sales and daily ops tool for small and mid-sized businesses.

CRMs are designed to store, manage, and track customer and prospect interactions and, at a deeper level, boost your sales team’s productivity, improve overall customer service efforts, and automate marketing campaigns. Industry studies suggest that as of 2020, as much as 91% of small businesses with 10 or more employees rely on a CRM as a key solution in the post-Pandemic economy.

Though the benefits of CRM technology can range from increased sales to labor cost reduction, not all users reap the full ROI of this powerful tool. Implemented properly, however, your CRM can be a critical cornerstone in your health insurance marketing efforts.

Here’s a few hacks to help you get the most out of your insurance CRM and increase the returns on your investment:

Keep it Current. Your customer data is only effective if the information is accurate and current. Make it a consistent practice to record changes in your clients’ contact information, as well as any life and health circumstances that may serve as a qualifying event for insurance needs or necessitate changes in their existing coverage.

Track Customer Engagement. An engaged customer is a happy customer, and CRMs are your first line of defense in helping to gauge customer satisfaction at a granular level. Use your CRM to log phone calls, follow email exchanges, and track open and click-through rates on marketing communications. This information will not only help you spot at-risk accounts, but also help target sales pitches for open enrollment preparation when that time of year rolls around.

Streamline Repetitive Tasks. The workflow automation features your CRM offers are among the most valuable, and arguably, the most frequently underused. For instance, you can program your CRM to follow up with emails, promotional offers, and timely reminders for both your existing clients and new prospects. This not only helps keep customers engaged and connected throughout the sales process, but also helps continuously increase your brand footprint.

Increase Cross-selling Opportunities. Leverage your CRM to promote customer retention rates and open up new profitable opportunities. You can easily analyze your customer database to determine who is aging into Medicare, match clients with new benefits packages appropriate for their needs, and raise awareness about pending changes in price or coverage specifics for the next enrollment year.

Manage Leads. Most insurance CRMs like Quotit will allow you to track lead sources and status. This capability not only helps you qualify leads and track subsequent sales activity, but also affords you the opportunity to design and manage new marketing campaigns, such as a referral reward program.

A CRM system is one platform with many potential uses, and everyone’s business needs vary. Accruing actionable data, increasing transparency across teams, and creating customer-centric experiences are just a few of the potential benefits your CRM can offer your business.

Whether you are currently saddled with time-consuming manual processes, shoring up your sales and marketing processes, or facing stunted growth due to limited resources, a CRM system like Quotit can help.

Want to find out how?

Book your demo with us today and discover for yourself how you can customize your CRM to fill the gaps, and start growing!