Insurance Sales and Marketing Tips | The Hub

4 Ways to Make Your Insurance Business Stand Out in 2021

Written by The Quotit Team | May 19, 2021

Imagine you open an Italian restaurant in a neighborhood that’s filled with sushi spots and Mexican eateries. Your restaurant will stand out because it’s a unique offering in the area; you serve food that people can’t get anywhere else nearby.

In the insurance business, you don’t have that kind of luxury. It can be hard to get your name out there and differentiate yourself from your competitors. After all, clients and prospects tend to choose insurance providers based on cost and convenience. They might run a quick Google search, check out the first thing that pops up, and buy a plan that seems reasonable.If you’re looking to make your insurance business stand out from the rest of the pack, you’ve come to the right place. Here are four simple tips that should get more people talking about your company.

1. Be an expert in your field

The insurance industry is constantly changing. New laws and regulations are enacted seemingly every year. Plans change often. Carriers merge or are acquired regularly. The list goes on.

In order to make your insurance business stand out, you need to demonstrate your expertise to your clients by keeping them abreast of every new development in the industry. Position yourself as a trusted adviser to develop strong relationships with your clients—who, in turn, may ultimately decide to recommend your business to their peers when the topic comes up.

The more you value strong client relationships, the more obvious it will be to your clients that you are the right insurance salesperson for them.

2. Deliver an amazing customer experience

In an age when substitutes are always just a few clicks away, the customer experience is becoming more and more important in every industry, including insurance. In fact, a recent report said that 89 percent of consumers have switched businesses following a poor customer experience.

Suffice it to say that today’s leading businesses are always focused on doing what they can to enhance the customer experience.

In the insurance industry, investing in insurance agency software is an easy way to improve each customer interaction. With the right quoting and enrollment tools in place, for example, customers can compare a variety of plans offered by a variety of carriers quickly, and at their own leisure.

The better the customer experience is, the more your insurance business will stand out in 2021 and beyond.

3. Get in front of people

Make your insurance business stand out by getting involved in your community. Sponsor local fundraisers, give talks at the library, attend networking events, or even launch an internship for local high school students.

The more often you get in front of people and establish yourself as a fixture in the community, the more likely it is that your business’s name will pop up when people ask one another about how they’re solving their insurance needs.

4. Invest in marketing

Does your insurance agency or brokerage have a good web presence? Are you appearing in local search results? Do you have a clear plan when it comes to referral marketing and prospecting? Are you using personalization when you engage with your prospects and clients?

If your answer isn’t yes to each of those questions, it might be time to revitalize your marketing efforts.

There’s a reason content marketing has become so popular in recent years: It works. According to the Content Marketing Institute, content marketing costs 62 percent less than traditional outbound marketing and generates three times as many leads. What’s not to like?

Consumers today expect personalized experiences. In fact, a recent study found that 33 percent of customers who left a business over the last year did so because there wasn’t enough personalization.

There’s a simple fix: With the right tools in place—like email marketing automation and a customer relationship management (CRM) system—you can automatically personalize each interaction, meeting client expectations and increasing the effectiveness of your outreach.

Transform your brokerage or agency with insurance business software

In an incredibly competitive industry, insurance brokerages and agencies have their work cut out for them to get to the next level.

By positioning yourself as a trusted adviser, focusing on continuously improving the customer experience with technology, contributing to your community, and investing in marketing outreach, you can help your agency or brokerage stand out from your competitors.

As the great experiences rack up and your happiest clients evangelize on your behalf, you can supercharge your referral marketing engine, attracting new clients while keeping your existing base delighted. That’s the ticket to a stronger insurance business and a healthier bottom line.