Getting prospects to visit your website and request an insurance quote is an accomplishment in and of itself. The insurance industry is full of options, so when a customer comes to you for assistance finding the coverage they need, you want to respond to their interest quickly, delivering a professional, comprehensive insurance proposal, customized to their specific needs.
An effective insurance proposal needs to:
Insurance proposal software can help you grow your business, but what features should your quote management program include? Make sure it can:
Simplify your customer’s experience:
Shopping for insurance can be stressful – choosing insurance is a very personal decision that can affect an individual or family’s long-term healthcare and finances. The process of researching plans, comparing benefits and costs, and enrolling in a plan can seem overwhelming, but you can make a difference. As a broker, you can:
Allow you to customize your proposals:
Insurance proposal software should have customizable features that will reflect your organization’s role as a leader in the industry. Personalized PDF and printable templates and forms can set the tone for your client relationships. A program that can be tailored to your sales niche, and allow you to incorporate your own style, will be more effective in presenting your quote.
Use these features to strengthen your brand, create loyal customers, and establish your business as a trusted, knowledgeable source of insurance products and services.
Offer enrollment capabilities:
Most consumers appreciate the ability to directly apply for coverage online. After comparing benefits and costs through the quote you provide, consumers are ready to make a decision.
Making enrollment easier is an added value you can offer with insurance proposal software that includes a nationwide multi-carrier enrollment system.
Delivering a detailed insurance proposal is vital to closing a sale, but can be a challenge when you are juggling lead generation, marketing efforts, sales tracking, and client relationships all at once. Insurance proposal software can help you reach your sales goals, improve customer service and communication, and introduce your brand as a leader in the insurance industry.
Provide automation to support your processes:
If you have been in business for a while, you may want to consider a program that will automate your existing processes. If you are just starting out, the right program can help you build your business, and even check for accuracies and errors in your proposals.
You may want to take advantage of automatic response systems, allowing you to follow up with prospects and keep in touch with clients, encouraging referrals and ancillary product sales.
Creating and reviewing proposals is a time-consuming process. Focusing on the needs of your customers can be challenging when you are busy preparing quotes individually for prospective clients.
In the midst of open enrollment, it can seem impossible to present professional, accurate quotes while managing all of the daily tasks your business requires of you, but you know from experience that insurance needs extend well beyond the annual election periods.
Inquiries for nationwide individual and family health insurance (IFP) and small group needs can keep you busy all year long. The influx of baby boomers aging into Medicare can also contribute to a whirlwind of Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement and Prescription Drug Plan sales.
Take the opportunity to grow your business and manage it effectively with the help of insurance proposal software that can help you create great proposals without sacrificing valuable time.
You understand the value in presenting your clients with options. Customers should have access to a variety of insurance plans to choose from so they can determine which coverage best meets their individual needs.
In choosing programs to help you manage your agency, you should also examine your options to find tools that best fit your business model and plans for the future.
Your business is unique and the insurance proposal software program you select should allow your products and services to shine as you focus on the needs of your customers. The right program can strengthen your brand and maximize your sales and income opportunities.
Fortunately, you have choices.
Installed insurance proposal software can provide the basics of creating and printing quotes, but consider how it will work in conjunction with other tools and processes you use. An installed software program may require special configurations to connect with online systems or apps, and will need to be updated as necessary on your computer. If you consider an installed software program, make sure it meets your expectations and provides the level of customer support you intend to offer.
Web-based insurance proposal systems may be easier to connect to other online quoting and enrollment tools. With access to proposals and content through online logins, web-based programs may offer more comprehensive options. For instance, Quotit iPro combines presentation-ready quotes with Customer Relationship Management (CRM), AutoResponders, lead generation, tracking, and communication tools.
As you select an online quoting and enrollment system, don’t lose sight of your ultimate goal: to provide your customers with a comprehensive one-stop shop they can trust to meet their insurance needs.